It was forgotten in it's time because no one cared about being civil and listening to what EVERYONE wanted and being at peace with one another. They thought fighting in a war would help them simmer their dispute. Today, we don't fight over lands and things as much as we used to. While South America and North America are still fighting, *not in a huge war* it's not the same as it was then.
Throughout America, the number of participants in choirs has increased where more than 42.6 million individuals (both adults and children combined) are now considered to be part of some choral group.
There are more than 270,000 choral groups all across America (in 2009, as per the study). This participation is far more than any other performing arts.
1 in 6 Americans (above 18) sings in a chorus.
In 2009, the percentage has increased from 14% to 17%.
This information is taken from The Chorus Impact Study of 2009 which can be referred to for further details on Choral Singing and its impact on American life.
The study also examines the effect of choral singing on children and their development along with many other social aspects.
They were anti expanding the government they didn’t want laws adding to its power.
This period was known as the baby boom, and this generation is still referred to as the "baby boomers," this being because there was a huge increase in the birth rate as people returned home from the war.