The Sanger sequencing or chain-termination method for sequencing involves use of ddNTPs (dideoxyribonucleotide triphosphates) to identify the sequence of nucleotides in a DNA segment. The ddNTPs are nucleotide derivatives that lack both the 2'- and 3'-hydroxyl group, hence called dideoxyribonucleotides. When a ddNTP is added to a growing chain of DNA, absence of 3'-hydroxyl group leads to termination of growing chain as this ddNTP cannot make phosphodiester bond with a NTP and DNA sequence can be identified.
Solar power drives Earth's climate. Energy from the sun heats Earth's surface, warms the atmosphere, provides energy for photosynthesis, causes evaporation, drives the weather and water cycles, and powers the ocean currents.
They added other ideas to this body of the argument, Marx said that industrial society was capitalist.
He was more concerned that workers would triumph in their conflict was capitalists.
This would be a communist society, it was the natural society of the future.
Marx believes that to free themselves from the exploitation of capitalist, workers had to create a radical socialist society where all property was socially managed.