Hey i don’t think anyone will be able to answer this for you but maybe if you could make the question a little more understandable we could help you!
Henry VIII.
King Henry VIII wanted pope Clement VII to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. The Roman pointiff alleged religious reasons, but he got pressure from the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, also king of Spain. The pope did not want to offend or annoy the Habsburg ruler against the Vatican (Catherine was Spanish). So, angry at the Vatican refusal, Henry took the decision to get the English Church out of submission to Rome and he himself became the top Church of England authority.
Manifest Destiny was a distinctly racist concept in the first place. The idea was that white man was destined to conquer the west and this meant subduing anyone else who happened to live there. White man alone was entitled to this "destiny". It used the ideas of Jacksonian democracy of a "white man's democracy" to develop these beliefs.
Watch Charlie and the chocolate factory and you’ll know
In box one it was Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, and they did that so they could invade Poland.