It forms from the rapid cooling and crystallization of lava is false
The Tang Dynasty of China when faced with rebellion from General An Lushan in their northern territories sought outside support from mercenary forces. This was done a number of times during the rebellion, these mercenaries were typically Arab, however, we also have examples of soldiers brought from Uighur to fight with the Tang and numbered in the thousands in the fight against Lushan's forces.
With the help of mercenary forces, the Tang were able to take back several important capital cities of China and effectively eliminated the rebellion of Lushan, as well as his later supporters and successors.
The Petition of Right of 1628 contained four main points:
-No taxes could be levied without Parliament's consent
-No English subject could be imprisoned without cause - thus reinforcing the right of habeas corpus
-No quartering of soldiers in citizens homes
-No martial law may be used in peacetime
Minorities were not treated with the same respect that white soldiers would have been given. They were down graded, and were seen as less important and worthy of doing jobs that white soldiers did. Even if they could do them better. They were not allowed to serve the same way other soldiers were.
Option: (B) were groups that physically punished themselves to win the forgiveness of God.
The Flagellants were a group of people who were believers of god emerged during the black death in Europe who whip themselves believing by punishing themselves they would summon God to give mercy. Groups of flagellants traveled from town to town and in public unveiled their backs and beat themselves, all the while encouraging the people to feel remorse.