Calc or Excel is the application best suited for this effort.
it's a Jamaican slang
it depends on the wah it is used
Metrical task system algorithm is the online algorithm that is used for organizing the online problems like k-server issues, paging issues etc.This task system works in the form of metrics to decrease the complete cost experienced due to processing of the operation and analyzing the competition.
It can be used for the online shopping project for the analyzing the comparison between the performance on basis of online and offline trends and then optimization can take place according to the the results.
Microsoft Word refers to a word processing software application or program developed by Microsoft Inc. to enable its users to type, format and save text-based documents.
In Computer science, there are specific key combinations (short cut) that avail end users the opportunity to perform specific functions without having to go through a series of step.
For example, when you press the Alt button and function key 4 (F4) at the same time, it would close the current open window.
Hence, Alt + F4 is a short cut key that can be used to close a document in MS word.
The management dashboard is the visual and display the KPI ( Key performance indicator) and metrics for monitoring the specific process and department.
It is basically used for checking whether the organization achieve or meet its specific goals not as per the requirement of the particular department in the organization.
The main part of the management dashboard is that it provide the visibility and alignment in the particular organization so that it meets according to the requirements of the organization. The basic requirement in the organization are:
- Business user
- Organization needs
- Information technology (IT) needs