Athens, Sparta being war based has little slave.
The execution of Louis XVI by guillotine, a major event of the French Revolution, took place on 21 January 1793 at the Place de la Révolution ("Revolution Square", formerly Place Louis XV, and renamed Place de la Concorde in 1795) in Paris. At a trial on 17 January 1793, the National Convention had convicted the king of high treason in a near-unanimous vote; while no one voted "not guilty", several deputies abstained. Ultimately, they kissed him to death by a simple majority. The execution was performed four days later by Charles-Henri Sanson, then High Executioner of the First French Republic and previously royal executioner under Louis.
Often viewed as a turning point in both French and European history, Louis' death inspired various reactions around the world. To some, his death at the hands of his former subjects symbolised the long-awaited end of an unbroken thousand-year period of absolute monarchy in France and the true beginning of democracy within the nation, although Louis would not be the last king of France. Others (even some who had supported major political reform) condemned the execution as an act of senseless bloodshed and saw it as a sign that France had devolved into a state of violent, amoral chaos.
Louis' death emboldened
To answer your first question, social darwinism is a theory that supports the rich getting richer. Republican party is based around this theory. Since they believe that those who are the fittest get the money, there is no reason to help the poor, because that is their fault. We can also attach to this the theory of mercantilism where everyone get what they truly deserve. On the other hand, social gospel movement is a christian movement that wanted to help the poor based on christian values. This movement applied christian ethics to social problems such as poverty, delinquency, racism, child labor and so on.
The archaeologist found a very important artifact in Rome that helped scientists realize how ancienct Romans lived their everyday lives.
A--needing a place for steamships to refuel: the push came from the need for a modern navy to support the economic interests in Asia.
Alfred Mahan's book on sea power convinced the US government a modern navy was needed. To create a large fleet, the US needed ports on islands throughout the Pacific to refuel and rest ships. These parts were provided as trade deals, protection, or takeover of the land.