All characteristics of life rely on the sun.
<h2> I don't know but my Answer is </h2><h3>from different environments ,each structure suits their environment better than the other's</h3>
Some of the hydrogen bonds with other elements, but most of it remains free hydrogen. Both hydrogen and helium are light elements, so they will tend to evaporate into space over time. ... But the gravity of Earth isn't strong enough, so Earth's early atmosphere of helium and free hydrogen evaporated into space.
sharks, rays, snakes, fishes, and insects
These ovoviviparous animals produce eggs, but instead of laying eggs, eggs develop inside the mother's body. The eggs are laid in the mother. After rocking, they stay in the mother for a while and feed there. Then the young are born live.
Ovoviparity is, therefore, a mixture of oviparous (animals that lay eggs) and viviparous (animals that develop in the mother’s body).