Explanation:1. smallest unit of classification
2. segmented digestive system, appendages
3. largest phylum of animals
4. green, conductive tissue, seeds, flowers
5. classification
6. groups of families
7. largest division of plants
The parents should go to gene counciling to determine who carried the gene that was passed down to the offspring.
Phosphorus cycle in nature is a unique cycle compared to the other natural biological and chemical cycles such as the carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and water cycles, as there is no gaseous phase in the phosphorous cycle. Due to the prevailing atmospheric temperature and pressure which are not appropriate for the formation of gases associated with phosphorus, the compounds in nature where phosphorus can be found are not gases. Phosphorus can therefore be found majorly in sedimentary rocks.
The right answer is spongy bone (cancellous bone).
In otosclerosis, the new bone blocks the movement of the stirrup, causing transmission hypoacusia. Otosclerosis can also cause perceptive deafness, especially when otosclerotic bone foci are close to scala media. Half of all cases are hereditary. The measles virus may play a role in triggering a genetic predisposition to otosclerosis.
I think it's True but I don't know for sure..