Answer:coconut oil, butter, palm oil, olive oil, canola oil.
Explanation: .
A saturated fat one whose fatty acid chains have all or predominantly single bonds. A fat is made of two kinds of smaller molecules which are glycerol and fatty acids. Fats are made of long chains of carbon (C) atoms while some carbon atoms are linked by single bonds (-C-C-) bonds others are linked by double bonds (-C=C-). These Double bonds will react with hydrogen to form single bonds causing them to be SATURATED, because when the second bond is broken, each half of the bond is then saturated with a hydrogen atom.
In terms of saturated fats acids composition by percentage according to ChartsBin statistics collector team 2011, Fat Composition in different Cooking Oils,, palm oil is 14.192, coconut oil is 91.92 canola is 7.46,palm oil 51.57, butter 65%-68%.Here you can see that the order of saturated fats from the highest gives- Coconut,butter, palm oil,olive oil and Canola as the last
Los volcanes Villarrica, Llaima, Volcán Osorno, Chillán (en Chile), Nevado de Colima, Volcán Ceboruco, Popocatépetl (en México)ejemplos de estratovolcanes
ATP levels would fall at first, decreasing the inhibition of PFK and increasing the rate of ATP production.
Product Quality · Nutrition and Feeding · Health and Care What determines whether an insect population explodes or just moves Eggs may hatch in spring into parthenogenetic females, the beginning of the new line, to see if we can observe any of these phenomena on captive aphids on.