Heatstroke can result in a number of complications, depending on how long the body temperature is high. Severe complications include:
Vital organ damage. Without a quick response to lower body temperature, heatstroke can cause your brain or other vital organs to swell, possibly resulting in permanent damage.
Death. Without prompt and adequate treatment, heatstroke can be fatal.
it is more likely to effect someone performing a physical activity as the person's temperature is already high due to body movement.
Drugs that break down a psychological barrier against doing other drugs are known as gateways drugs.
A very known gateway drug (or at least one that has been considered as such) is marijuana or weed. A drug that is being widely consumed in various countries and is also being sold as a legal drug in some countries.
As long as calories consumed and expended are not the same, diet or activity level should be adjusted for the good of the body's health.
Taking magnesium tablets to aid in energy metabolism and muscle contraction.