Answer: The British Empire was the height of its power. The colonists were proud to be apart of it.
The experimental design is called Between Subjects Design or Independet Measure.
In the experimental design "Independet Measures" you have different groups. Each group is tested under certain conditions whereas a member of one group cannot be part of another group. A commonly known case were this experimental design is used is drug testing. One group is given the medication whereas the other group receives the placebo.
Systematic desensitization technique basically means slowly getting used to something. So, here, Jane for example will be asked to go to a place of a small crowd, for example of 4-5 people first, and slowly get used to it - in the next sessions she should stay there longer and longer. After that, in the next sessions, Jane will be asked to go to places with gradually bigger crowds and to stay longer in this crown.