Experimentation: The term experimentation is defined as a process of trying out or identifying new business strategies on a very small scale. A particular company generally tests a new product towards a narrow audience and these audiences are mostly consumers.
The process of experimentation tends to understand basic human behavior or mind.
In the question above, the statement signifies that Cami exhibits experimentation.
Answer:Philanthropic and ethical responsibilities
What is ethical responsibility?
She will need to practice fairness as she start her business in such that whatever she does is fair to the people around her and especially to her competitors .
When people are in the business they may even be manipulative liers in order for their business to succeed , they may even set schemes that will see the other similar business going down and losing their businesses.
She will need to be fair ,use her own unique trademarks and strategies to win customers without jeopardising the other similar businesses ability to win theirs.
She may need to outsmart them by just being unique .
What is philanthropic responsibility?
Our carbon footprint plays a huge role in how we protect or demolish the environment, so she will need to find ways to avoid environmental impact that may be caused by her business .
For example selling food using containers that are non biodegradable can impact the environment .
She may also choose packaging bags that are environmental friendly .
Cover the ground around where she works with grass rather than leaving it bare.
Analyze data and conclusion.
When experiments are performed they follow a logical sequence that ensures the problem is adequately analysed, solutions obtained, and findings recorded for future use.
The steps of experimentation includes:
- Ask a question
- Do background research
- Construct a hypothesis or predict results
- Conduct experiments
- Analyze data and conclusion.
In the given scenario the student researches turtle nesting, makes a prediction to investigate based on his research and observations, performs the experiment, and writes down his data and ends his study.
He failed to analyse the data and draw conclusions from the experiment.
This is an important final step that provides an answer to the problem. It is recorded so that the conclusion can be used in the future by others
The cultism causes are people search for responsibility, satisfaction of a person’s needs and wants. Security and finding social identity. The Effects are possibilities of death,abuse due to cult activities can disrupt schooling, expulsion and physical injuries. To curb the menace the federal government of Nigeria enacted the decree 47 of 1989 where any cultist guilty will be imprisoned. NGO’s also helped our in the campaign through educating students about what the fruits are and what it can do to themselves. There was also religions education where to seek enlightenment and spiritual awakening.