D: Geographic segmentation
Geographic segmentation is defined as the marketing strategy that primarily aims to target the distinct choice preferences of the customers across a specific region or area. DeConinck Co. is employing this strategy to understand the consumer needs and cater to the different types of demands of their customers residing across the region by producing and marketing products accordingly.
Answer: Differentiating
Sprout company as described in the question are making use of product differentiation to ensure parents and children consumption needs are met. Product differentiation in marketing occurs when a company distinguishes their products to meet the needs of the different types of consumer groups available in their target market.
Diego applying the systems model of change as a diagnostic framework
The Business Diagnostics Framework is a systemized way to diagnose the form of your business. The framework emerges from the external concentric rings, evaluating primary the outside environment and then penetrating down into the essential functional areas of the business processes.
Business diagnosis is a means of operating rearward to recognize causes for inadequate execution by making the relevant links within causes and effects. Thus, it is a method of knowing the signs or conditions of a problem. The Business Diagnostics system is a different framework that assists resolve even the most complicated business circumstances.
c. News has no effect on stock prices.
A foreign exchange market can be defined as a type of market where the currency of a country is converted to that of another country. For example, the conversion of the United States of America dollars into naira, rands, yen, pounds, euros, etc., at the foreign exchange market.
Efficient market school is the market school which argues that forward exchange rates do the best possible job for forecasting future spot exchange rates, so investing in exchange rate forecasting services would be a waste of time because it is impossible to have a consistent alpha generation on a risk adjusted excess returns basis as market prices are only affected by new informations.
The efficient market school also known as the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) is a hypothesis which states that, asset (share) prices reflect all information and it is very much impossible to consistently beat the market. Also, forward exchange rates are exchange rates controlling foreign exchange transactions at a specific future date or time.
According to the efficient market hypothesis, News has an effect on
the prices at which a stock is sold because it affects demand and supply.
Answer: strategic pillars: content, data, and execution