Option (a) => consumers will consume less and save more to prepare for increased taxes in the future.
The man named David Ricardo was one of the great Economist of his time. David was born on the 18th day of the month of April, in the year 1772 in London,United Kingdom. David Ricardo died on the 11th day of the month of September, in the year 1823.
David Ricardo worked and proposed a theory called the ricardian equivalance. The ricardian equivalance theory is actually about how Government spend and how taxes are being distributed. The theory simply says that if the Government spend a lot without taxing the citizens,the citizens tends to save more because they(citizens) know that they(Government) will later increase their tax so as to balance the spendings by the government. Therefore, option (a) is correct.
The internal factors are factors that are under the control of the company and these can be tangible or intangible in nature.
Examples of three internal factors of Jessops’ Group Limited that can influence its functioning are:
1. Assets of the company: the company has over 200 stores around the UK, and also has an online shop and call center. This will make the company to serve a wide base of customers which can increase the revenue of the UK’s premier photographic retailer.
2. Photo and imaging business: This is a business line which is a key part of the company's product portfolio. The decision of the company to focus its attention on making its imaging business the market leader is because of the stability in its margins during the 2008–09 economic recession in the UK.
3. Participation and investment in social responsibility: The response of the company to the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) regulations on the disposal of electronic goods at the end of their life by contributing towards a national fund to assist local councils to develop collection facilities for electronic goods is an example of social responsibility. The creation of a convenient battery recycling points in its stores and effort to increase awareness of the WEEE regulations are part of social responsibility functions that will be seen more favorably by consumers. This can therefore increase the sales of the company.
While in the restroom, you overhear your boss telling a colleague that Bob is going to be laid off at the end of the quarter in about two weeks’ time. Bob is a good friend of yours.Do you tell him? Why or why not?a.Response/Approach: UTILITARIANISMi.As a good friend you are, you could HIGHLY encourage Bob look for a newjob and infer that you heard that there are budget cuts going to be happening and “anyone” could be “laid off.”7.One of the newest salespeople in your division is a real goof-off, never showing up for work on time, distracting other people with his antics and so on. You complain about him to your boss, who tells you the kid is the son of the company president. Your boss instructs you not only to leave the new guy alone but also to make his sales numbers look good by throwing him some no-brainer accounts. What do you do?a.Response/Approach: INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITESi. As an employee of this company, you have the responsibility to report thisto a someone of higher status than just your boss. If your boss isn’t takingthe situation seriously, you need to stand up and tell higher authorities.ii.There is surely more people that are aware of this and if everyone aware backs you up, you can’t be fired or punished because then things would “become personal” and that can become a bigger issue that the presidentof the company is probably willing to deal with.
Answer: um i need you to ask the question so we can answer it
He should price them by taking 90 percent and dividing by .32