15 students (30% of the students in class) scores a 95 on a quiz.
Therefore the total number of students (100% of the students) in class is:
N = 15 x 100/30 = 50 (students)
(This calculation is inferred from a ratio that 15/N = 30/100).
Denote the number of students who scored a 95 on a quiz is a, the total number of students in class is b.
Then the equation that related a and b is:
b = (100/30) x a
Hope this helps!
A "unit rate" has a denominator of 1. That will often simplify any subsequent math operations.
The choice of the form of a ratio should be made based on what you need to do with it. Sometimes, a denominator other than 1 is appropriate to follow-on operations you may need to perform.
You have to find which perfect square numbers are closest to 46. The list is 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64... we can stop there.
46 falls between 36 and 49, which is 6 and 7 squared. So the answer is 6 and 7.