<em>Adjectives are used to describe nouns. </em>
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The adjectives are underlined.
In sentence one:
I have never enjoyed <u>long</u> parties.
- The parties are described as long.
In sentence two:
Mrs. Smith gave the <u>frightened</u> child a <u>warm </u>smile.
- The child was frightened, and the smile was warm.
In sentence three:
Jeffrey spent many <u>quiet</u> afternoons reading at Kingsley Park.
- The afternoons are quiet.
<span>She didn’t write down ideas or thoughts she had while reading</span>.
The failure
to recover a memory is general reason for overlooking and forgetting. Why are
we frequently unfit to recover data from memory? One conceivable clarification
of recovery disappointment is known as decay hypothesis. As per this hypothesis,
a memory trace is made each time another hypothesis is framed.
The textile industry had grown and started during reconstruction after the cilvil war