the philosophy of Confucius is historically underdetermined, and it is possible to trace multiple sets of coherent doctrines back to the early period, each grounded in different sets of classical sources and schools of interpretation linked to his name. After introducing key texts and interpreters, then, this entry explores three principal interconnected areas of concern: a psychology of ritual that describes how ideal social forms regulate individuals, an ethics rooted in the cultivation of a set of personal virtues, and a theory of society and politics based on normative views of the family and the state.
For the monthly fee, we first have to subtract the installation fee of 85 from the total cost for two years which is 685. Why? Because an installation fee is a one time thing. You don't install every year. So less the installation fee, our internet service cost for two years is 600. To make things easier, lets get the service costs for one year. Divide 600 by 2 and you will get 300. 300 is the cost of the internet for a whole year. Divide this by 12 (12 months in a year) and you will get 25. The monthly cost is $25.
voting in free elections.
By having the ability to vote for the people that can held the government position in free elections, people can indirectly influence the type of legislation that can be passed by the government.
People can analyze the principles and credentials held by the representatives and vote for the one that is most likely to produce the type of laws/legislation that they prefer.