Folded card This layout type is for creating greeting cards by printing pages on a sheet and then folding the sheet to make the card. If you choose the Folded card layout, then sheet fold options are displayed. Select an option in the list to specify how you will fold your publication
Small programs stored on the harddrive that provide basic functionality for he devices listed would be called Hardware Drivers.
I hope this helps!
Additional resource needed for the projects
Additional time needed for the project
In any project handing their will expected diversion and add on requirement, so to complete a project additional time and additional resource is required to finish a project.
As advice due the project details, end user has keep enough buffer for deviations on resource of man power and additional times taken to finish the project.
While design the project each scope of work is measure with additional time to complete the task
Each scope of work is considered as task in project management.
theres an error on line one used python idle