B. Ethos
Explanation: Ethos is the mode of persuasion that uses the character or appeal of the speaker to persuade an audience. Pathos uses emotion. Logos uses logic or reasoning. Ad speak is using a specific language to describe something.
Answer: Since this is a broad question, I will use the book Wonder.
When I read Wonder, it was about a boy who had a "messed up" face, and was builled by it. Throughout the book, he makes friends and do well in his classes, however is still being builled. He even meets a love interest. This inspired me because it shows that no matter how different you are, you can still find people who care about you, and you can still shine. Just because you're different doesn't make you a freak, be yourself.
The above soliloquy shows Brutus contemplating what he should do about Ceasar. He knows that as a person, Ceasar alone isn't a bad person but he thinks that this kingship will ruin him. So, it is better to kill him before he is made king. This shows that he is more invested in the safety and the future of the people and is even ready to murder the king who is also his friend, for the sake of the nation. He is of a complex character but keeps the interest of the nation before anything else.
Answer: Social class does not exist or play a significant role in American society Social class, of course, exists in the United States, although it remains a controversial concept with many competing definitions. Many Americans believe in a simple three-class model that includes the "rich", "middle class" and "poor."
Explanation: Hope this helps :)
The prosecutor, Mr. Gilmer, questions Heck Tate, who recounts how, on the night of November 21, Bob Ewell urged him to go to the Ewell house and told him that his daughter Mayella had been raped. When Tate got there, he found Mayella bruised and beaten, and she told him that Tom Robinson had raped her. Atticus cross-examines the witness, who admits that no doctor was summoned, and tells Atticus that Mayella’s bruises were concentrated on the right side of her face. Tate leaves the stand, and Bob Ewell is called.
Bob Ewell and his children live behind the town garbage dump in a tin-roofed cabin with a yard full of trash. No one is sure how many children Ewell has, and the only orderly corner of the yard is planted with well-tended geraniums rumored to belong to Mayella. An extremely rude little man, Ewell testifies that on the evening in question he was coming out of the woods with a load of kindling when he heard his daughter yelling. When he reached the house, he looked in the window and saw Tom Robinson raping her. Robinson fled, and Ewell went into the house, saw that his daughter was all right, and ran for the sheriff. Atticus’s cross-examination is brief: he asks Mr. Ewell why no doctor was called (it was too expensive and there was no need), and then has the witness write his name. Bob Ewell, the jury sees, is left-handed—and a left-handed man would be more likely to leave bruises on the right side of a girl’s face.
Atticus is trying to prove that Tom Robinson did not beat Mayella. Mayella and Bob are claiming that Tom Robinson beat and raped Mayella. She says that she had bruising on the right side of her face, meaning her attacker would have to be left-handed. Atticus asks Bob to write his name.