Constitutional principle of rule of law dictates that all individuals, institutions and organizations (whether its privately held or publicly held), Even the State itself, are accountable to laws. No matter what ethnicity or social status that a person has, that person need to face equal treatment of the law like any others. 5.0
a.The guns made it easier for troops to gain ground rapidly and fearlessly by crossing trenches.
The machine gun revolutionized combat endeavors and rapidly drove out countries with their horse-drawn carriages into submission. From its uncovered roots beginnings to the advancement of this notable weapon that is still being used today, it figured out how to practically without any assistance change the result of WWI and along these lines change the craft of war.
This treaty was a diplomatic milestone because it opened up US access to the port of New Orleans.
The Treaty of Pinckney, also known as the Treaty of Madrid, was created to establish a friendly relationship between Spain and the USA, allowing Americans to respect Spanish boundaries and colonies in North America, in addition to allowing both countries to have Mississippi river navigation rights. The great negotiators of these treaties were Thomas Pinckney and Don Manuel de Godoy, the treaty was a milestone in the world history of diplomacy, mainly because it allowed the USA to have access to the port of new orleans.
Typical workplace conditions
faced by factory workers in the 1800s includes 12-hour work days, few safety features or considerations, and little job security due to a large labor force. In fact, factory workers do not
rest at all. The conditions were very bad during the Industrial Revolution in
1800s. Many workers died due to overfatigue.