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In particular, the region is well-known globally for its manufacturing prowess. It's home to automobile and aerospace giants like Ford, GM, Chrysler, Bombardier, GE Aviation, and Magna International, and also many other diverse industries.
The container analogy is too static.
The WM or the Working memory may be defined as a cognitive system with some limited capacity which can hold information for a short period of time or temporarily. Working memory is very important for reasoning and also the guidance of the decision-making as well as behavior.
In the cognitive system, the recent effect is always associated with the working memory.
Working memory is always associated with the storage container which can store memories for short time. But this analogy is very much static as the working memory can more capable than simply the short term storage.
The answer is social clock.
This phenomenon explains the expectancy of society to achieve certain things at a determined time (for example, graduating from high school at age eighteen or getting married in your twenties). However, these expectations are variable in different parts of the world.
Bernice Neugarten proposed the idea in order to explain the aging process. She stated that events in people's lives occur in a predictable manner.
Answer: the land at the center of Paris is filled numerous historical buildings that residents do not want torn down.