All seem false, but D is the only one I can think of a reason it might be true. As Africa’s has decreased steadily as globalization increased.
<span>Azimuthal Stereographic map projections are often used to show polar regions. It is not know the exact date that Azimuthal Stereographic map projections were created but a document called Planisphaerium by Ptolemy is the oldest known document to mention it though it was called planisphere projection in that document.</span>
<span>With the coming of gutenberg's printing press, the newspaper (printed) became the first mass-marketed product in history.</span>
B- To decide who the leaders of the country should be.
From the perspective of France, the Congress of Vienna's decisions were not fair. France lost almost all of the land it had gained during the Napoleonic Wars. As a result, it was put at a disadvantage.