Plant like Protists - also called algae - autotrophs
<span>Fungus like Protists - heterotrophs, decomposers, external digestion </span>
<span>From the above their role in the aquatic food chain is clear . </span>
<span>They perform their role as </span>
<span>1) producers = example = Plant like Protists - also called algae - autotrophs </span>
<span>2 ) consumers = example =Animal like Protists - also called protozoa (means "first animal") - heterotrophs </span>
<span>and </span>
<span>3) Decomosers = example ==Fungus like Protists - heterotrophs, decomposers, external digestion
There made up of multiple cells
b) opening calcium pores in the membrane
The opening of calcium ions channels facilitates the migration of vesicles containing neurotransmitters in the pre-synaptic neurons to the tip of the post-synaptic membrane. at the <u>neuromuscular junction </u>These neurotransmitters can either be <u>cholinergic or non-chorlinergic.</u> <u>At the tip of the pre-synaptic membranes the vesicles empty their neurotransmitter contents into the synapse.</u>
The neurotransmitters, diffuse through the neuromuscular junction to bind with the receptors on the <u>post-synaptic membrane on the post-synaptic neuron.</u> This stimulates opening of<u> ligand gated sodium ions,</u> and sodium ions diffuse into the post-synaptic neuronal membrane, to cause <u>depolarization</u>. if the stimulus is up to the threshold levels it generate action potential.
Therefore , more calcium ions channels opening produces; more diffusion of neurotransmitters;leading to opening of more sodium channels for depolarization; and IPSP or EPSP generation.
The correct answer is: creative thinking.
Creative thinking means being able to consider and come up with something new. Creative thinking is a skill of an individual to perceive patterns that are not obvious and to solve problems in a new different way.
Meiosis is a reduction division of diploid cells.(2n) Chromosomes numbers are reduced with each successive division stages of meiosis 1 and 2, to haploid(n).
Cats have 38 diploid somatic (body)chromosome (2n) in the somatic cells and are reduced to 19 new varied haploid cells (n) of chromosomes in the gametes.
In cats, as in other mammals, during spermatogenesis in (seminiferous tublule of testis) and oegensis(in the ovaries);<u>meiotic reduction division</u> reduced the diploid somatic chromosomes to haploid chromosomes in sex gametes.
Therefore 38 chromosomes will be in the somatic chromosomes, while the sex gametes, with double-helical molecules of DNA, at the end of meiosis II will have 19 chromosomes, half of the somatic chromosomes.