Peristalsis is the wave-like motion of the walls of the alimentary canal that allow food to move along the lumen of the alimentary canal towards the posterior (anus). These waves are powered by the contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscles.
this answer is B. full landfill and another answer is Agricultural runoff (apex)
One negative side effect of with anaerobic synthesis of energy is that a by product of glycolysis is lactic acid
lactic acid cause muscle fatigue and post exercise muscle soreness. when you exercise the body uses oxygen to break down glucose for energy. when one do intensive exercise, oxygen may not be enough therefore lactic acid is produced.
A. the Sun's rays are nearly perpendicular to Earth's surface.
-Tropical region receives more solar radiation not only because the Sun’s rays hit the region more directly, but also because they travel through less of the atmosphere to get there.
-Some radiation is absorbed as it travels through the atmosphere, so less energy is lost in tropical regions.
Kingdom - Phylum - Order - Class - Genus - Family - Species