The summary of something like the particular question is demonstrated in the following portion on either the clarity.
Inspiration depends on either the diaphragm contracting, as well as the influence including its external intercostal has been limited throughout normal breathing.
Maximum inhalation or even just expiration time depth, as well as rate, are fairly directly proportional to one another because.
We may link the whole observation to something like the sequence of expiratory versus inspiratory movement as it takes much longer than either the inspiratory speed throughout our sample since expiration becomes passive yet requires having to return to something like the steady levels.
The best description of chromosomes by the end of metaphase 2 of meiosis is that they are lined up in the middle of the cell. You can help remember this by thinking of the "M" in metaphase as middle. this is because in this phase the chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the cell.
the effect of external physical factor on cell division is clearly seen on in density dependent inhibition( a phenomenon in which crowded cell stop dividing)