// Method's name: has_more_zs
// Parameters are text1 and text2 to hold the two phrases to be tested
public static String has_more_zs(String text1, String text2) {
// Create and initialize z1 to zero
// Use z1 to count the number of zs in text1
int z1 = 0;
// Create and initialize z2 to zero
// Use z2 to count the number of zs in text2
int z2 = 0;
//Create a loop to cycle through the characters in text1
//Increment z1 by one if the current character is a 'z'
int i = 0;
while (i < text1.length()) {
if (text1.charAt(i) == 'z' || text1.charAt(i) == 'Z') {
z1 += 1;
//Create a loop to cycle through the characters in text2
//Increment z2 by one if the current character is a 'z'
i = 0; //Re-initialize i to zero
while (i < text2.length()) {
if (text2.charAt(i) == 'z' || text2.charAt(i) == 'Z') {
z2 += 1;
//Using the values of z1 and z2, return the necessary statements
if (z1 > z2) {
return "The phrase '" + text1 + "'" + " has more occurences of z than the phrase " + "'" + text2 + "'";
else if (z1 < z1) {
return "The phrase '" + text2 + "'" + " has more occurences of z than the phrase " + "'" + text1 + "'";
else if (z1 == z2) {
return "The strings have the same number of z";
else {
return "Neither string contains the the letter z";
Explanation to answer has been given in the code as comments. Please refer to the comments for the details of the code.
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Hope this helps!