<em>Answer: So you know which kinds of information will best persuade your readers and also they can have a good time reading your book and not saying its boring if u worked really hard on it and so u can can spel out the word to people so u can sell copys and You need to say things that appeal to them. If you have a group of twelve year olds, you probably aren't going to talk the same way to them as you would to a group of thirty year olds.</em>
Thank you, this is gonna help feed my family, have a bless day good human.
This is a picture of my 5 year old son look how happy you made him!
C) "This data is totally useless and doesn't help us at all in solving the problem."
Let's read the text again...
My grandfather the fisherman always told me that the best way to communicate with fish is to drop them a line.
There are three phrases that help us to understand the pun in the text: The grandfather is a fisherman, it means his job is to catch fish, by communicate he means to make the fish come closer, and by drop them a line he means the fishing rod thread.
Taking the above into account the correct answers are:
A.“communicate” and “drop them a line”
B.The pun plays on a phrase that means both to send a note and to attempt to catch a fish.