Taigas have few native plants besides conifers. The soil of the taiga has few nutrients. It can also freeze, making it difficult for many plants to take root. The larch is one of the only deciduous trees able to survive in the freezing northern taiga.
Because one of the environmental catastrophes is dust bowl
Hemoglobin is found in the red blood cells and are responsible for binding onto oxygen molecules. By binding to the oxygen, it can transport it to through out the body where it is needed.
Warm because land gains heat faster than water when heated by the sun. The heated land then transfers the heat to the atmosphere. The air mass is dry becasue a continent is mainly land and very little water (unlike oceans). There is, therefore, very little moisture in the continental tropical air mass.
they need to introduce new deer and won't the earth worms and other such primary consumers will thrive because the deer are not there to eat them