The advantage of the epidermis being clear is that the light can pass by easily without a problem. If we could not let the light pass we would have no pigmentation and that means we would have no skin tone. We would all just be really white and out pigmentation would not be there.
Inter-rater agreement
The extent to which two or more raters (or observers, coders, examiners) agree is termed as Inter-rater agreement. It addresses the issue of consistency of the implementation of a rating system.
A high inter-rater agreement value refer to a high degree of agreement between two examiners, vice-versa
Answer: B-cells fight bacteria and viruses by making y-shaped proteins called antibodies, which are specific to each pathogen and are able to lock onto the surface of an invading cell and mark it for destruction by other immune cells. C-cells are a virus-bound antibody that binds to receptors, on the surface of phagocytic cells and triggers a mechanism known as phagocytosis, by which the cell engulfs and destroys the virus.
Explanation: sorry this answer was not simple at all -_-
The seahorse is found in many different locations around North and South America. They are typically located in the shallow tropical waters that are quite warm. They will be found living along the coral, the sea grass, and the mangroves. In Europe they are known to reside in the Thames estuary. Many of the larger species are living in the Mediterranean Sea.
Many species of seahorses are very territorial. The males often have about 11 square feet of territory. The females have up to 1,100 square feet. What they live though will influence how much area they have. In many regions that habitat range has gotten smaller and smaller.
In captivity the seahorses will be limited to a large aquarium. This can be a huge change in home range habitat for them. That is why the stress levels are very high and the survival rate low. Young in a captive state are more likely to do well because they haven’t become accustomed to the wide territory.
As a result the seahorses living in a given area have become more aggressive. They have also suffered from higher stress levels and more forms of disease. The aggressive behavior is typically when males are looking for females that they can mate with. It is also common when they are fighting for territory or food and that extends to both genders.