having a damaged reputation
discredited means to lose your respectability.
Using context clues, why would the witness have left the courtroom in humiliation? It can't be because they have good judgment or that they were honorable. That leaves "sorrowful" and "having a damaged reputation." Having a damaged reputation is more tied to humiliation, but if you didn't pick up on that, credited means of respect and the opposite most closely means having a damaged rep.
Calpurnia's cot shows how segregation is everywhere in Maycomb, including the Finch home.
We know that Aunt Alexandra has somewhere to sleep when she stays with them, suggesting that they have a spare bedroom. However, when Calpurnia stays with the Finches, she is not allowed to stay in the spare room.
Answer: the cartoon is showing the man say im geting quit a education is not paying attention there for he ist paying attention and holding something.
An example of proper Focus for an essay is "the biggest snowstorm of the decade"
When you are writing an essay, focusing is one important step since this will determine and delimitate your final work, it is important that the focus of the essay is well defined and has the opportunity to be expanded with supporting information, then "the biggest snowstorm of the decade" is a topic that can be broadly investigated and reported but at the same time has a clear focus that does not allow the writer to get lost in branches of the theme.
Definition 1
Equipment, apparatus, or gear.