Maybe that bi-racial relationships where on the rise, and to me it showed rich, famous, Black,white, domestic problems can occur in any relationship.
Renaissance Characters were more gregarious. renaissance literature focused on man himself, the progress of arts and sciences, and the emergence of humanism.
Hiram Rhodes Revels was the first African-American to serve in the United States Senate. He represented the state of the Mississippi from 1870 to 1871. So far, Revels has been one of the nine African Americans who have served in the Senate.
Revels, a moderate Republican, appeared as a vigorous advocate of racial equality.
He served on the Education and Labor Committee and the District of Columbia Committee. The attention of the Senate at the time was directed towards the reconstruction of the country. While radical Republicans advocated severe and continuing punishments for the former Confederates, Revels advocated full and unrestricted amnesty, giving them a vote of confidence.
Revels was praised by the press for his oratory skills. His conduct in the Senate, in addition to that of other African Americans elected to the House of Representatives, has led a white contemporary, James G. Blaine, to state, "The men of color who have taken office in both the Senate and the House of Representatives are scholars, ambitious, whose public conduct would honor any race. "
The correct matches are as follows:
1.PENTECOST :Feast of the week when the Holy Spirit fill the 120 disciples.
2. BETHANY: Home town of Mary, Martha and Lazarus Bethany.
3. CANA OF GALILEE: Place where Jesus performed His first miracle.
4. FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS : Number of days Jesus was in the wilderness when he was tempted by satan.
5. JOHN THE BAPTIST: Prophet like Elijah who preached repentance.
6. TWELVE YEARS: Age of Jesus when he visited Jerusalem.
7. CAESAR AUGUSTUS: Roman Emperor when Jesus was born.