When the current emperor died, typically his oldest son became emperor. It didn't always happen this way, however. Sometimes there were disputes over who should become emperor and rivals were killed or wars began.
The success of Portugal's exploration of Africa affected Spain because they found a route around Africa so their ships could continue east and Spain was not a part of this no more.
Federalists- Alexander Hamilton, Ben Franklin, George Washington, James Madison, and John Jay. Supported the constitution as is. Supported strong central government.
Anti-Federalists: Patrick Henry, Sam Adams, George Mason, Richard Henry Lee. Feared strong central government would endanger people's liberties. Could not be government by consent of people. Worried about "Laws necessary and proper" clause. Wanted Bill of Rights.
because it was made for people who were peasants to have their own lands and even property and be able to do certain things like go to Church for free and be able to do what everyone else could do who weren’t peasants.