Answer: Hostility
Type A individuals are tend to be easily affected by anger or hostility. These traits they may or may not express in their behavior. Such kind of individuals tend to see worst in others.
When they express their behavior they express overtly. Hostility can be considered as the main factor link to the heart diseases this appears due to hidden stress, aggression and increase in the blood pressure or hypertension.
Are you asking for three countries that have no cities with a population meeting one million?
The answer option should be B) a setback for the union.
Cognitive Dissonance
The term Cognitive Dissonance was first introduced by Leon Festinger and it refers to what happens when a person has two or more contradictory beliefs or ideas and experiences psychological stress because of that. In other words, <u>when two ideas are opposite to each other, the person will experience stress </u>and will try to reduce this difference to reduce their discomfort. This usually happens when new evidence contradicts the person previous belief and it creates stress (cognitive dissonance).
In this example, Dante is aware that drinking alcohol is a costly habit that is bad for his health but he continues to do so anyway. He also thinks he is smart and makes good choices in life. Dan is <u>experiencing a contradiction between his thoughts (I make good choices in life) and his behavior (Drinking is bad for his health)</u> and this contradiction is making him experience psychological stress. This is known as Cognitive Dissonance