<span>From outsiders perspective - not very different from disadvantages elsewhere, but bigger.
I see two, just from general paying attention to news.
1) resources extracted by colonists (maybe less so now, but still) and so not available to the natives of the reason, going instead to China or whoever is doing the extracting now.
2) Tough, dirty, dangerous job to do the actual mining. Tough - wears down the miners. Dirty - will cause long term damage, like black lung. Dangerous - both mining accidents and possible danger from dealing with the greedy.
So, to summarize, the risks are publicized to the regional people, the rewards are privatized to whoever has the power.</span><span>
To inspire religious rivals within communities
The cornea is an avascular tissue.
Since the cornea doesn't have any blood vessels the body's immune system is less likely to detect the foreign graft, and therefore, rejection is unlikely (although possible).
For the same reason, the lack of blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients will greatly slow the healing process. That is why this transplant can take so long to heal. For most people, it can take between 6 to 12 weeks to fully recover from the surgery.