Technically, the black widow spider is the deadliest spider despite it's size, due to it's overwhelmingly potent venom, which can and will kill a human if no medical attention is sought out for the person bit.
The best answer to the question: The preferential use of phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylethanolamine in the cytoplasmic leaflet of membranes leads to increased:___ would be, D: All of the answers are correct.
There is still a lot of debate among scientists as to the exact way in which phospholipids are distributed between the two leaflets of a cell´s plasma membrane, but what they do know is that there are four kinds, and that phosphatidylinositol (a sterol) and phosphatidylethanolamine appear most commonly on the cytosolic, or cytoplasmic side of the membrane. They also believe that it is this particular arrangement which allows the cytoplasmic side of the membrane to be slightly negatively charged and this role will play a major part in a membrane´s ability to generate an action potential. Also, it is known that these negatively charged ends of the bilayer will allow certain proteins, positively charged ones, to be inserted, and connected to it, to become transporters, or mediators in action potentials and normal activities of cells. Finally, since fatty acids and cholesterol are associated with phospholipids, but have a tendency to be attracted to these particular two types, they tend to give the overall structure fluidity, but also permit the inner leaflet to assume its particular circular shape around the cytoplasm. This is why the answer is D.
Answer and Explanation:
The interphase is the previous step before mitosis occurs. The interphase is conformed of the G1, S, and G2 stages.
- During the G1 stage, it occurs a high intense biochemical activity. The cell duplicates its size, and the organelles and other molecules and cytoplasmatic structures duplicate too. Some structures, such as microtubules and actin filaments, are synthesized from zero. The endoplasmic reticulum increases in size and produces a membrane for the Golgi apparatus and vacuoles, lysosomes, and vesicles. During this stage, the pair of centrioles separate, and each centriole duplicates. Mitochondria and chloroplasts also replicate.
The stages S and G2 follow the G1. Once the whole interphase is completed, mitosis occurs.
- During the S stage occurs the DNI replication process. At this point, it also occurs the synthesis of histones and other associated proteins. This is the only stage where the DNI molecule is replicated.
- G2 stage is the final one before the cellular division. Here it begins the slow process of DNI condensation. Duplication of centrioles completes. Structures such as spindle fibers are assembled.
When oestrogen rises to a high enough level it causes a surge in LH from the pituitary which causes ovulation where an egg is released from the follicle (Day 14 of the cycle). The follicle becomes the corpus luteum and this produces oestrogen and progesterone which inhibit FSH and LH production by the pituitary.