It was the most powerful arm because it can impose sanctions
It can impose sanctions, as it did against Iran over its nuclear program, and authorize military intervention, as it did against Libya in 2011. Critics say it is also the most anachronistic part of the organization.
The Chinese, The Soviet Union, and North Korea
Roman society was one that constantly pushed romans to be more and more ambitious, to take more, do more and conquer more. Eventually you start stepping on people's toes who are trying to do the same thing, then you have two powerful people fighting for ultimate power (ceaser v. pompey, sulla v. marius, augustus v. marc anthony, etc.). Then there was the Marian reforms which made soldiers beholdened primarily to their general, not the state, for their rewards (usually land after the campaign was finished), couple that with legions frequently going further and further from Rome in the late republic, most Roman soldiers knew and depended on their general, and barely interacted with the state at all. So these generals gradually gained ferociously loyal armies that were closer to them than Rome in general, so they'd be pretty willing to fight for their general against another general, even when it would weaken the state as a whole. Obviously civil wars cause a huge amount of damage to their nation, both in lives and monetary cost. Plus usually whoever won the civil war would then proceed to kill all prominent citizens who even slightly leaned toward the opposing side. After two or three purges like this, many of the prominent families that made rome into a world power were completely in shambles and the bitter rivalries between them made future wars inevitable.
The afereffects of the Second World War, which finally ended in 1945 were many and varied. One of the biggest, was a conflict that arose between the then recognized two opposing super powers, the United States and the Soviet Union, known as the Cold War. The reason for this conflict, and which originated from the strife between the two nations over who was more powerful and had more control in the world, was the huge opposing views on how life should be handled. The U.S believed strongly in democracy while the Soviets believed in Communism. Another reason for the power struggle between the two nations was the use by the U.S of nuclear power, which made the Soviets initiate a marathon of nuclear arming, which in turn increased the problems between the two. Whatever the case, this power struggle between these two nations led to one of the biggest divisions in the world and it happened when, after the Great War, the Soviets, who had taken control of most of Germany and Berlin, decided to separate their portion of the city and country with the creation of a huge mortar and brick wall in 1961. This became known as the Great Berlin Wall. This Wall became the paragon and clearest evidence of the division and conflict that was arising once again. But after several revolutions took place in 1989, especially Hungary and Poland against Communist control, the people in Eastern Germany decided to rise as well and in June 1990 up until almost 1992 the demolition of the Wall began. This event showed the shift that President Reagan was asking for, the decision to accept democracy and adopt a more open policy for the sake of peace and the wellbeing of the people.
pick me as the brainliest