Canaliculi are tiny canals in bone between osteocytes containing osteocyte cell processes. A spongy bone, also known as a cancellous bone, is a bone with latticelike appearance. A compact bone is a bone that is denser and has fewer spaces than cancellous bone. A compact bone has canaliculi but the spongy bone doesn't, because compact bone tissues form the outer layer of the bone while the cancellous bone tissues form the inner layer of the bone and it does not have osteons. Anosteon is a single central canal, with its contents, and the associated lamellae and osteocytes surrounding it.
The answer is A) to protect seeds and aid in its dispersal.
Answer:2 the lupine dependent butterflies would disappear.
If the spraying of pesticides will remove all the insects then there will be no insect that will pollinate the lupine flowers. So this will cause removal of lupine species from the environment. And the lupine dependent butterflies will not be able to release their egg on these specific flower and will also disappear from the environment.
The removal of lupine flower from the environment will lead disappearing of these lupine dependent butterflies.
Eccentricity of a body following an elliptical orbit defines how nearly circular the path of the object is. When the eccentricity of an orbiting body increases, it means that the body is moving in the most stretched out path.