Answer: Eyes and face
Explanation: The non-verbal communication defines the communication through the facial expression gesture, posture etc. This type of communication happens where there is no requirement or permission of being verbal or just to judge a person without having communication with them .The expression obtained from face are enough to determine the emotion of a person whether he/she is happy, sad or scared.
def scramble(s):
if len(s) % 2 == 1:
index = int(len(s)//2)
index = int(len(s)/2)
return s[index:] + s[:index]
Create a function called scramble that takes one parameter, s
Check the length of the s using len function. If the length is odd, set the index as the floor of the length/2. Otherwise, set the index as length/2. Use index value to slice the s as two halves
Return the second half of the s and the second half of the s using slice notation (s[index:] represents the characters from half of the s to the end, s[:index] represents the characters from begining to the half of the s)
A third party cookie can stay in your hard drive or browsing files, and record all the action
Hope this helps.
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Note cards are little cards that can be used to jot down brief notes you need to remember. You can also use note cards to annotate what you're reading in a book.
Answer: To persuade or change the thinking or actions of others