Answer: The answers seem correct.
1. Active transport - the process in which energy is used to move the particles of a substance against a concentration gradient from a region where they are in lower concentration to a region whey are in higher concentration.
2. The answer chosen for #2 makes sense because energy is usually needed when you putting effort into doing an activity that includes some type of force. That means ions are using energy to be moved against the concentration gradient.
3. Volume makes sense for the last question since the cells are using a space (volume) to move material in and out by diffusion. The other options besides volume are unreasonable.
2.Less than 73% of the populations would have only one allele present.
The two alleles chosen do not affect the fitness of flies in the lab environment, so Kerr and Wright could be confident that if changes in the frequency of normal and forked phenotypes occurred, they would not be due to natural selection.
Using a larger breeding population would not be expected to alter the outcome of the experiment.
Glucose is classified as a monosaccharide.
(-ose means sugar.)
False because the pumpkin could have been mixed with a different kind of pumpkin which may have affected the color.