Descent with modification
We define evolution as descent with modification from a common ancestor.
Evolution only occurs when there is a change in gene frequency within a population over time. These genetic differences are hereditary and can be passed on to the next generation - which is what really matters in evolution: long-term change. In this process, the new generations are better suited to their environment than the first generation because of descent with genetic modification.
The correct answer is "strengths: inexpensive, easy to culture, short life cycle, large number of offspring; weaknesses: invertebrate model, some diseases such as immunological cannot be modelled, anatomical features are very different from humans"
The fruit fly <em>Drosophila melanogaster</em> is one of the most used animal model for genetic and biomedical studies. There are many advantages of using Drosophila as model, including that it is very inexpensive to handle, it is easy to culture, it has a short life cycle allowing to observe the changes in phenotype very quickly and its large number of offspring allows to include several repetitions per trait in a study. However, there are some weaknesses of using Drosophila to study human biology. First, obviously the fruit fly is very different from humans, it is an invertebrate and its anatomical features are very different, which makes impossible to model some disorders such as immunological diseases.
Hydrophilic heads facing exterior
Hydrophobic tails facing interior
In 1972, the fluid mosaic model was proposed to describe the structure of the plasma membrane. This model describes the plasma membrane to possess components including phospholipids, cholesterol and proteins. The phospholipid component is composed of glycerol, two fatty acids and a phosphate-containing head, which are arranged in two adjacent layers forming the phospholipid bilayer in the membrane of biological organisms.
Phospholipids have both the hydrophilic and hydrophobic region. Hence they are said to be AMPHIPATHIC.
The head of the phospholipid is negatively charged due to its phosphate content, making it polar and hydrophilic i.e. water-loving. This hydrophilic head faces the exterior of the cell in order to interact with fluids.
The tails of the phospholipid are long fatty acids that keep away from water i.e. hydrophobic. Due to their water-fearing nature, they avoid water and face the interior of the cell, where each tail face each other.
After collecting evidence that concludes that the current plan to manage the Alaska crab fishery makes it only a potentially renewable resource, m<span>ore research should be done into the reproductive behaviors of the different species. This solution tries to solve the problem at its roots. That is, if the management determines why there are fewer species based on their reproductive behaviors, certain changes can be made in order to create an environment that will enhance their reproduction. </span>

✏ Arteries are the vessels that carry blood away from the heart to various organs of the body.Since, the blood emerges from the heart under high pressure, the arteries have thick, elastic walls.