During World War I, the nation witnessed important demographic changes because African Americans and Mexicans were fed with how they were being treated. African American sand Mexicans moved to the north to seek better job opportunities. Also they moved to leave all the racism happening. With the area they were living there was not a lot of jobs available, so if you were a majority it made it that much harder. It was easier to find jobs in the north because the industrial work that was happening in the north. After people left the south and moved north, the African Americans and Mexicans would tell people back “home” how the north was. It was not perfect, but it was better than the circumstances they were living in. Job opportunities and less racism 4)Compare public sentiment during America’s involvement in World War II to that during its involvement in Vietnam. What policies, events, attitudes, and technological advancement contributed to the differences, if any?The American sentiment was patriotism. People were fight for their country during this time. The Pearl Harbor attack made the United States strong and shows how much patriotism this country had. The level of support the United States had was different in the Vietnam War. I think it was just because this is the third war the U.S was in back to back. The people in the military during this time worked to toward Victory Gardens and war bonds. The nation came to together when it came to Hitler and Japan because they were they enemies. They did horrible things to people. The Vietnam sentiment was a movement that was against the “Operation Rolling Thunder”. Here it was different than the United Stated because it was not as patriotic. It actually
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made people question their government. The war footage was published and presented and this showed the violence going during the war.