A guilty verdict means the jury believes that the suspect committed the crime.
A innocent verdict means the jury does not believe that the suspect committed the crime.
Good question, thanks for improving my knowledge.
Rahil azam,,,,India
Sculptures were the big thing in ancient Greece. Specifically the ones of men and women. You have probably seen pictures of them before they are called Kouri. Materials used in Ancient Greece influence today's art. Such as stone and marble. Also in Greece, they used a lot of geometric patterns and some would say abstract.
mine is religion
i know there is a god out there that love us and cares for us but most people out there will tell me there isn’t a god out there so i will argue with them and say how many kids get adopted so fast. I was adopted so i believe in Jesus. But this is my opinion.
Those ideas have enabled successive generations to achieve an ... of science; and Chapter 11, Common Themes, pulls together ideas that cut across, although they can sometimes contribute to the discussion of such issues. Nevertheless, scientists differ greatly from one another in phenomena.