they got a genral who knew a lot of tactis for using the land since they knew it i dont remember exactly its been like 2 years
Because the molecules that make them up move closer together and become more compact
The value of ε 0 (permittivity of the free space) is. A. ... If ε 0 , μ 0 and c represent the relative permittivity of free space, the magnetic permeability of free space and the velocity of light respectively, which of the following combinations of correct?
reliable, valid
Reliability and validity are concepts in measurement. Reliability has to do with the degree to which an instrument can produce consistent results when it is used repeatedly over time. Validity, on the other hand, indicates the extent to which the instrument measures its intended measurement. The scale can be reliable but not value as it still produces results, though inaccurate.
Answer: Alright, so I was kinda confused with this specific question, but I'm gonna give it a try.
The Church is the Sacrament of Salvation because She is both a Sign and Instrument of God's Salvation for Humanity. The Church is the Sacrament of Communion because She is God's Instrument to bring Human Beings into Communion with God and with each other through the Grace of the Sacraments. ( What Catholics strongly believe in) ( The pronoun " She" means Mary in this text).
In the Christian church the tradition is joined not only to the teachings of Jesus and the story of his life as prophet and teacher but also to the central event of the history of salvation, which his life, Passion, death, and Resurrection. ( What Protestants strongly believes in)
Anyone can receive salvation in Christ through repentance and faith. This means turning away from sinful ways (repentance) and turning to God (faith), trusting in Christ. Jesus will forgive your sins and set you on a path to life with Him. ( What both Protestants and Catholics strongly believe)
Salavation can only be done through Jesus Christ. Read in the Bible, Romans 10:9, and it clearly states how to get saved/ recieve salvation. That is if you don't believe anything that I'm writting down. Take it from the Bible please do, don't take it from me.
Explanation: I'm not sure if that's the answer to the question that you were looking for, but I did my best.