Answer: B
You want to show why you believe your thesis is correct ultimately.
The slope would be undefined and it would be wrote as (0,0)
Smells, sight, sounds, tastes, feel, and what you'd hear would count so:
the taste of the food (bland, delicious, yummy
the steam off the plate (if the food was warm)
smell of the food
beeping of an oven
feel of the hot plate
warmth from the oven
if there is tv and/or music in the background
maybe sounds from a sibling and/ or pet in the background
temperature in the house
how did the food look (bright, dull, colorful)
the sound of a microwave timer
these would all count as the sensory details of a dinner
Part A: A.
Part B: C
thats mainly it. Im not really sure if it's correct since I didn't exactly read the poem that you have, but from my perspective, these are the correct answers