Answer: The United States had taken possession of the Philippines (as well as Guam and Puerto Rico) in 1898, after winning the Spanish-American War. Thus US interest in Asia was heightened.
At the same time, other nations had begun competing for "spheres of influence" in trade access with China.
Further detail:
The Open Door policy was issued by the United States in 1899-1900 as a series of dispatches from the US Secretary of State to other nations that had trading interests in China -- Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and Russia. The policy reasserted earlier agreements that all countries should have equal access to ports in China, without undue preference to "spheres of influence" for one nation or another. The United States was seeking to maintain an equal footing with other nations in the access to trade in China.
i think u will still past because i new this one kid who failed the whole year but still pasted and went to the next year.
To develop new markets and locate additional natural resources.
moved to the west and worked on ranches and farms
There is a lot of debate about how much war and medicine have influenced each other. Sometimes war adds to medical knowledge by drawing attention to a particular injury, such as the loss of a limb. Military medicine has also influenced how medicine is done. But sometimes innovations in military medicine result in better ways to treat an injury or advance fields of medicine, such as plastic surgery, psychiatry and emergency medicine. Triage, the system of prioritising multiple casualties, has been adopted for all emergency medicine ever since the First World War.
For some people, the physical and mental damage caused by war lasts a lifetime. Medical teams have had to develop methods to help them adjust to living with disability and illness. The young men who signed up to fight in 1914 had little preparation or support for dealing with the stress and trauma of modern warfare. Some refused to fight and were mistakenly accused of cowardice. During the First World War, 309 British soldiers were executed, many of whom are now believed to have had mental health conditions at the time.