The Correct Answer is A
The equalization effort.
The effort to develop Black schools to be equivalent to White Schools to keep under a separate but similar doctrine.
Brown ruling met with violent opposition and delay by the government, White citizen council were founded to organize frightening efforts towards blacks who requested equal treatment.
Complete integration did not occur in most of the South Carolina schools until 1970.
To the extent that the concepts, values and beliefs between southerners and northerners intensified the conflict between them.
As you may already know, the American civil war had political and commercial divergences as main reasons, however, cultural values and all the elements related to this intensified the conflict between northerners and southerners, who, for cultural reasons, had different beliefs, values and concepts and built a great intolerance with these elements between them.
In preparation for a nuclear attack in 1950-60s
At the most general level, tax increases are price increases by government, and price increases increase inflation, they don't reduce it. ... So an increase in these taxes has the direct effect of increasing the measured rate of inflation.
Slaves served in households, agriculture, mines, the military, workshops, construction and many services.