The king believed he was the only one who could cope with monsters.
King Hrothgar made an offer to Beowulf. If he consented to slaughter Grendel's mother, he would receive a jeweled sword, 7,000 hides, land, a hall, and his own reign.
<h3>Who is Grendels' Mother?</h3>
Grendel's mother was a 'aglaec-wif,' or 'female warrior.' There is no necessity to inject the concept of monstrosity or suffering here any more than there is in line 1519, when she is referred to as merewif, which simply means "water-woman," or "woman of the mere."
Grendel's mother depicts the perils that await anybody who ventures into the unknown, whether in the world or within oneself.
Learn more about Beowulf:
The main reason why Lincoln took such a generous approach toward the South is because he knew that punishing them further after the war would just increase bitterness, and make it impossible for the Union to ever "heal". <span />
There is no short answer.
The mentioned decision was about whether the corporations and unions can or can not contribute financially to the campaigns of the politicians they want to support as long as the corporations themselves are independent of the campaigns.
One of the strongest disagreements to this was that this action was going to allow the corporations to flood selected politicians' campaigns with money, maybe corporations outside of US.
One of the arguments that agree with the decision was that the corporations also have a right of free speech including supporting their chosen political candidates even though corporations are not individual people.
I hope this answer helps.
What are the answer choices?
The correct answer is B. The potential for the results to improve the world is not evident.
Utilitarianism is a philosophical perspective ad theory that focuses on increasing the well-being and happiness of individuals while decreasing suffering or pain. Also, for utilitarians, the practical uses and results prevail over other factors. Due to this, utilitarians might argue science is not valuable because a big part of it is understanding how natural phenomenons work, and this might be considered to lack practical uses or to help the world improve. Thus, the reason for a utilitarian to argue against the value of science is that "the potential for the results to improve the world is not evident".