(क) अभि + गम् + ल्यप् = अभिगम्य
(ख) वि + हा + ल्यप् = विहाय
(ग) निर् + गम् + ल्यप् = निर्गत्य
(घ) वि + हस् + ल्यप् = विहस्य
(ङ) प्र + क्लृप् (कृप्) + ल्यप् = प्रकृप्य
(च) सम् + बुध् + ल्यप् = सम्बुध्य
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The water is blocking you from breathing in but you can breathe out and once that happens your vocal cords or the trachea below the vocal folds and detects water and takes 60 seconds to block your airways. I’m not sure if that’s right but i hope that helps.:)
apls tell me what this means so in hnelp u
On a paper one you are more secure and extremely cautious that anyone might se it