Individual steps in a case should be written in the form e. Subject, Verb, Direct Object, Preposition, Indirect Object.
A use case implies the description of an action or activity. In other words, it involves a description of the actions that a a person will have to do in order to carry out a process. The syntactic structure of the instructions should always be in the direct form, so as to be clear and avoid any mistakes in the process. For example:
"In case of emergency, (you) [Implicit Subject] <u>use</u> [Verb] <u>the hammer</u> [Direct Object] to break <u>the glass </u>[Indirect Object]"
Stubborn and overconfident
he doesnt want help and dies bc hes stupid
A quote sandwich is a method that aids you in effectively adding quotes.
Top slice: Introducing the Quotation.
Meat & veggies: The Quote.
Bottom slice: Explaining the Quotation.
Its basically statingg how you should explain and show the quote in that order.
Example :
Top Slice -
According to .......
In the text it states ......
Meat and veggies -
(Write down the quote)
Bottom Slice -
This quote means....
This is stating........
Answer: 1: Temptation, 2: exclude, 3: enhance, 4:downside, 5:distraction, 6:readily
Hope this helped!
u sick Bayer he u ur heheheh