Those who argue that ones ethical values must be evaluated in terms of ones culture and traditions are called moral relativists
They are using Nonworking spouse method to determine their life insurance needs.
Answer: Option A
Non-working spouse methods refer the method which can use when there is a single earner in the family. Since there is formula where eighteen is the minimum age required to declare oneself as a major, the non-working spouse method can be used when one can get enough financial support until the children are eighteen years old. So concluding, this is the method that can be used to determine Jeff’s and Erica’s life insurance needs.
The removal of her ovaries has caused the decrease in interest in sexual activities. Ovaries are the most important part of a female's reproductive system. These produce hormones such as estrogen which is the female's sex hormone. This causes a woman's drive to feel sexually attracted to her partner. Without the production of estrogen in the body, a decrease in interest sexually is experienced.
Ashley can state her findings as statistically significant, which means that the findings are real and cannot be explained solely by chance or random factors.
The concept of statistical significance determines whether conclusions drawn from a data set cannot be the result of chance. Additionally, statistical significance can be used by researchers to determine whether or not results are "genuine" and reliable. Higher assurance or confidence in the results is implied by high statistical significance.
Learn more about statistical significance here: